Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sketch Up Movies
(forming a capsule for easy transportation and storage)
My Concept
I will design it in such a way to allow it to perform new functions and a higher level of convenience by incorporating technology and storage compartments for other equipment needed in the workplace. For example my concept will allow users to store books and other materials in in-built shelves and drawers. Thus my office chair will be a mini workspace for users, a very functional design for those in need of a compact, all inclusive portable work area to store all their work materials in a modern capsule like chair once they are done using it.
Final Research

These are unusual types of office chairs that perform various other functions than that of the traditional work seat. Not only do they include a place for a laptop or screen, but they also provide a small table for users to put either a keyboard or other work materials on.

But perhaps the most important function they perform, is that of a compact workspace which allows individuals to enclose all their materials in a small capsule type design when finished utilizing them. Although these are interesting benefits which I intend to explore further in my design, the materials used provide further aspects to think about. The materials used for chair #2 makes it look rather cheap, unappealing and un-business like. This is not ideal for the type of clients I want to target my work chair design to. Although the materials used in chairs 1, 3 & 4 are slightly more classy and professional looking, the seat and workspace itself does not look entirely comfortable for heavy users.
3. & 4. http://gizmodo.com/347890/globus-mobile-is-office-in-a-bubble

These two examples offer insight into a more functional and portable workspace if I were to incorporate it into my work chair design. Its storage capacity is greater than chairs 1 through 4, yet it offers similar design features than the above, but with a new creative twist. However I would now need to consider how to include this in a design of an office chair.

These designs effectively combine two things; a workspace and a chair thus I am interested in attempting to do something along these lines with my own design. However the materials used do not do well to convey a classy, businessman design aesthetic. Rather its focus remains on functionality and convenience over aesthetically appeasing design patterns and materials.
5 & 6. http://dornob.com/modular-office-furniture-wood-box-storage-desk-chair/
7. http://dornob.com/mobile-box-office-convertible-metal-desk-chair-cabinet/
8. & 9. http://www.itechdiary.com/kruikantoor-portable-office-desk-made-from-eps-foam-material.html
Materials and Textures
After gathering research on various types of office chairs I have found a common problem; that some of the materials used in many of the multi-use office chair designs do not do well to reach the target audience in which I want to aim my design. I intend to look into materials that will effectively appeal to a moderate user, who is of a reasonable wealth and class. Therefore I aim to create a multi-use chair that conveys a sense of modernness, class, creativity and comfort.
I like the idea of including some carvings in the material and texture of my work chair to contribute to an overall traditional vs. modern aesthetic.

This will make my design more visually interesting, and hopefully set it apart from other office chairs.
1. http://www.chairaddict.com/antique-chairs/carved-oak-gothic-chair/
2. http://www.artfactory.com/chair-african-antique-chieftan-chair-cc361-p-5088.html
3. http://rjhorner.com/page/2
4. http://www.hudsongoodsblog.com/?m=200906
Further Research

6. http://www.aboutdesigninterior.com/chair-with-multiple-functions/
7. http://buy-stylish-furniture.com/2009/10/24/cabinet-chair-bookcase-from-ontwerpers/
Initial Research
Features to Consider when Purchasing an Office Chair
Here are the top five features users should consider when buying a desk chair;
1. Does the Chair Support Good Posture or Bad Posture?
2. Chair Type;
- Heavy use- those who sit at a desk for very long hours, focus on comfort
- Moderate use- those who are not constantly at their desk but spend a moderate amount sitting, less luxurious than heavy use chair
- Executive use- moderate use chairs which are fairly posh and comfortable, focus on style and comfort but they are not for extended periods of sitting
3. The Arm Rests
4. Fabric – must be appealing yet comfortable
5. Stability
Traditional Office Chairs
The problem with traditional office chairs;
- The office chair legs with wheels on the end often leads to it running away from the user or moving when unwanted as the form is not heavy enough to hold it in place
- The ‘L’ posture that the seat itself generally requires users to undertake is a fairly rigid and upright position which does not allow for relaxation
- They often squeak and creak due to metal to metal contact generally where the back attaches to the chair seat
- The materials used on the seat cover becomes relatively comfortable when users sit on the office chair for long periods of time
- The design aesthetic of these chairs, although functional, is not very creative and interesting
- The materials are rather generic and disinteresting
Traditional Office Chairs Developed Further

1. http://www.gizmodiva.com/2009/02/index.php?page=3
2. http://blog.distinctivechesterfields.co.uk/category/office-chairs
3. http://kitchentablesfurniture.com/office_furniture.htm
4. http://www.workspacestyle.com/2009/05/how-low-can-your-office-chair-go.html
5. http://arhzine.com/modern/tag/office/
6. http://sallytv.blogspot.com/2008/02/arpaf-peter-morris-and-i-talk-about.html
The problem with these office chairs;
- Some of the above issues that the traditional office chairs had, still exists with these as although they have been creatively developed further, they lack complete uniqueness and individuality
The benefits of these office chairs;
- I like the new materials used on these chairs e.g. the wood and leather combined
- They creatively differ slightly from the generic office chair
- New shapes have been implemented to take the traditional work chair to a new level
The Chair
A chair is typically described as a raised surface above floor level for one person to sit on. They traditionally have a back, arm rests and are supported by four legs, however nowadays there are many different variations. Thus although a universal definition may be assigned to this form, many versions of it exist, for example;
Lounge chair - a comfortable upholstered armchair otherwise known as an easy chair
Office chair- a type of comfortable and adjustable chair that is generally designed for use at a desk in an office
Dinning chairs- usually provide formal seating around a table in the dinning room for family and guests, comes in groups of six to eight, comfortable and attractive seating that takes up less space than the upholstered chairs, sturdier and formed with slightly expensive materials to make them fairly substantial and ornate, generally have high backs.
Poolside chairs- traditionally a portable or foldable apparatus to permit users to sit or lay by the pool in comfort, thus it contains armrests, back support and materials that allows contact with water.
Things to consider
Although the above examples provide room to fulfill their individual purposes through unique forms, functions and designs, they all still have one thing in common; the traditional chair at its most basic level is still to provide a raised surface or place of rest for the human body.
However in recent years, chairs have been designed in such a way that their aesthetics focus on producing something that is modern, contemporary and different. This takes away from the comfort factor valued in previous years as often a chair that we throw ourselves into and love at first due to its uniqueness and design aesthetics, might not be the best chair down the road.
Writers of Exine Articles (2010) provide a quote that supports the idea that nowadays chairs are often produced in light of artistic, and unusual design aesthetics rather than comfort and convenience. They state, “Remember the first time you ever jumped into a bean bag chair didn't it feel great initially. But finally you came to your senses realizing that cool may not be worth folding yourself in half like a tortilla sinking to the floor.” http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Interaction-Between-the-Human-Body-and-the-Zero-Gravity-Chair&id=3064733
Thus owing to this current issue in relation to modern chair designs, I will aim to produce something that balances modern aesthetics with comfort and convenience.
Office Chair
After examining the definition of a chair and the current design issues encountered nowadays, I have decided for the purpose of this assignment I will aim to produce a type of office chair which will be designed in such a way that it differs from all the existing forms out there.
This type of chair will not only allow me to produce something that fulfils the role of the traditional chair, but will permit me to attempt to create a modern and contemporary form that considers the interaction between the human body and the chair in relation to comfort, convenience and function.
Rethinking Form & Function of an Office Chair
Office chair:
A type of comfortable and adjustable chair that is generally designed for use at a desk in an office, is a raised surface above floor level for one person to sit on, has a back, arm rests and is supported by legs (often on wheels).
Thus my initial thoughts and ideas that my design should consider are the following;
- What is the typical office seat? Is it a chair that is adjustable, has a back, legs and arm rests?
- If so, how do I move away from this traditional view?
- Could possibly design a chair with many legs or no legs etc.
- Perhaps I could design something that incorporates these conventional forms but in
a completely different way for example;
Traditional office chair ---> a new and improved office chair but with similar conventional features
- Traditionally it is a seat for someone, so what purpose can I make it serve if there is no one
in it?
- Could it possibly be folded up and put away? Contain storage units for office materials? For
- How can I improve on the design of an office chair in terms of its form, function, mobility, body positioning, convenience etc?
- Perhaps I can design it in such a way to allow it to perform new functions and a higher level of convenience
- For example for it to contain or incorporate technology and other equipment needed in the workplace such as a computer screen, table, coffee holder etc.