Multi-purpose Office Chairs

These chairs, like the above, are of a fairly unconventional design aesthetic and allow users to conduct various processes other than just providing a place of comfort and rest. I like the technological aspects of these chairs, as this is a vital part of most workplace processes, therefore I am interested into looking at designing a work chair that incorporates similar features. However I do not like the way that these chairs are designed as they do not look extremely comfortable for users. The amount of metal around the chair itself contributes to this perceived downside.
Much like chairs 2 & 3, these include certain technological aspects which allow users to access a computer and television screen when sitting on these chairs. However, I like the design aesthetic of chair #5 over and above chairs 2 & 3 as it appears to more inviting and comfortable than the design of the bulk metal frames surrounding the other two. Nonetheless, chair #4 appears to encourage a better posture for its users thus a balance between the two would be appropriate to my design.

These two chairs are very unique, something I would like to incorporate in my design. What I like about them is that it allows users to store books and other material in the in-built shelves, a useful function to consider when I design my office chair. The first chair however, does not appear to be very stable or entirely practical for those in need of a heavily used work chair. However the advantage of this design is that it is portable, another aspect I intend to look into for my work chair design. Conversely, the second chair incorporates a mini workspace for users, a very functional design for those in need of a compact, all inclusive, work area. All these ideas will prove useful when I start to sketch ideas for my own office chair design.
The design aesthetic of this seat is unusual and creative, and the twirled capsule shape of this chair is visually captivating to the eye. The materials used are also modern and appeasing. In saying this though, the functionality of this chair could be better.
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